Saturday, December 10, 2011

One Month Old!

Hey, you! You with the big blues! You're one month old today. ^^

You have been steadily gaining weight (although the doctor wouldn't see you yesterday because 29 days is not enough for a one month check-up, apparently), and you have been grrroooooowwwwwwwwwwwiiiinnnnng! Newborn clothes are far too tiny for you, and 0-3 month clothes are getting to be too short if there are footies involved.

What are you up to? Besides your amazing physical development (you could roll from your back to your side before you were a week old AND lift your head when on your tummy) you have been working on your eye development. You are spending more time awake and aware, looking at your surroundings. You are beginning to make more sounds, too. You used to only coo coo, which got you your nickname lovey dovey...but now you squeak, squeal, and give little yells. And you fuss/cry, obviously.

You have come a long way in 30 days, and what's even more amazing is how far you will go in the next 47 weeks! You will be standing and starting to talk!

So eat, eat, eat, and sleep so you can grow. We love you!

~Mommy and Daddy

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